Thank you for participating in 16th NEF (2013)
亞洲國際教育集團(AEA) 由衷地感謝所有參展校在本次南洋教育展的全力支持及熱情參與。能和各位教育先進共同推動相關國際事務是我集團的榮幸, 亞洲國際教育集團(AEA)將繼續努力,期盼未來的教育交流互動來往能日趨精進, 友誼長存!
今年的南洋教育展雖已結束, 但本集團每年定期都會舉辦南洋教育展及其他學術交流、研討相關活動。讓我們共同以貴國教育體系的優勢:擁有成熟且完善的系統, 提供學生充實的教育與訓練及保障就業,共同延續華文教育。
此外,因應少子化的衝擊,也讓我們以華語教育為基礎, 共同創造東協十國華人教育平台,為學子取得更美好的就學、 就業前景。
得到貴校的參與及支持是我們最高的榮幸,我們相約「 第十七屆南洋教育展」再見!
At Your Service at AEA
Wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the New Year.
葉濰鳴總裁暨亞洲國際教育集團(AEA)全體同仁 敬上
Dear Colleagues,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Warm greetings from Asia Educational Academy Malaysia (AEA). We’d like to thank you very much for your participation, your support in the previous Nanyang Education Fair 2013 .
We hope you had a fruitful time at the event. Thank you.
The next Nanyang Education Fair 2014, will be held on December, 2014 in Putra World Trade Centre(PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, for international educators from China, Taiwan and other Asian countries.
Therefore, Nanyang Education Fair will give you a wonderful experience in recruiting Malaysia student who desire to study abroad and learn culture. Our students are very talented in many different areas of the curriculum and are looking for opportunities to study all over the world.
We hereby cordially invite you and your school representatives to participate in the Nanyang Education Fair 2014.
We look forward to meeting you in the Nanyang Education Fair 2014!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We wish you have a great new year!
Best Regards;
JerryYap CEO
JerryYap CEO